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Across Andes 2023 Story x Francisco Sepulveda / Gravel Academy

Updated: Jul 25

November 2023, Coyhaique Chile.

Phew!!! I was very anxious while I was preparing the bike, I couldn't stop thinking about what lay ahead, one of my greatest feats, Across Andes 2023. This time it would be time to ride through Patagonia, an incredible and challenging adventure. I had a hard time falling asleep and I woke up before the alarm went off... and I said “here we go!!! … came the day".

The only plan I had on the first day was to reach CP1, since the desolation of the place did not give way to anything else, the route had a calm start, the weather was good. Upon arriving at El Blanco it was the last point to resupply, from there we began to climb with Rulo towards the pampa, another beauty and another climate; wind, rain and cold began to take center stage. The last 20 km were rough, cold, wet and with 200k already on our backs. Finally we would manage to reach the first major objective, the “Hacienda Ñireguao”.

Once at CP1, we changed clothes, ate with the idea of continuing, but the information about bad weather and low temperatures made me think many things, whether to move forward the same, abandon or continue the next day. I decided to give myself some time and meditate on my decision, I managed to sleep a couple of hours, and within these doubts and emotions, we talked with 3 Academics (Rulo, Feña and Felipe) and we decided to advance together to the next town Mañihuales.

We left at 8am, without rain, which didn't last long, because from one minute to the next everything was wet, winding curves and enjoying the descents. After 4 hours we arrived in Mañihuales and took refuge in the Ruta7 hostel. Here I was able to dry clothes and eat a plate of food, it was also the place where we defined the strategy we would take, step by step, town by town and as a roadmap the state of the climate.

After this very necessary stop we returned to the route with a stretch of asphalt, rain and cold that gave no respite, it was one of the hardest and most difficult days. The cold began to penetrate not only the body, but also the head. I thought about a thousand things, including sending everything to the ridge, but I remembered Tomas's words "eat, eat, eat." Finally, we arrived at the Villa Amengual hostel with the group, we rested, dried clothes, ate and planned the next day, the crossing of the Queulat and the final objective CP2. The weather forecast this time was in our favor, so at 6am we decided to start this long day, more than 200km to Lago Verde (CP2).

We left at the proposed time, the day began with the mythical climb to Queulat, more than 10 km with windows of small rays of sun, the views were incredible, this pays for everything else, once at the summit, we enjoyed the team as much as possible. beautiful place, we bundled up and began to go down a path very different from the previous one, dirt and with many curves. After having descended, some water began to fall, we were already very close to Puyuhuapi and before arriving Patagonia had another gift for us, being able to appreciate the imposing Snowdrift, which could be seen on the right side, even with some rays of sun, It was a very beautiful and exciting moment, I thanked, thanked and thanked. Especially Michell, my partner, without her this would not be possible, being able to be in an incredible place doing what I like most, was a moment that still moves me when I remember it.

Finally, bordering the fjord we arrive at Puyuhuapi, here we look for something to eat quickly and be able to continue to the Junta. After this replenishment stop we quickly left for the Junta, only asphalt, which made it a much more rolling and beautiful stretch, bordering lakes, crossing rivers and lush vegetation.

At that point, the emotions were once again present, I began to hear shouts of encouragement, "hey, hey, come on, shit," "move your ass," it was Antonio and Javier who traveled more than 200 kilometers to give us that harangue on the way to the Together, it was very nice to see them and feel all that strength in the middle of this place. We arrived at Copec de la Junta, another quick stop to eat, recharge with water and energy, now it was time for the last part of the day's route, reaching Lago Verde, about 77 km of pure and good gravel. But this always brings surprises, the first 14 km had a very loose gravel as they were repairing the road, after this section, the beauty of the place began to flood everything. The giant mountains, covered in lush, pristine vegetation and always accompanied by the Figueroa River, imposing and powerful. The road was up and down, which was entertaining and at the same time exhausting, in one minute and according to my feeling I had been pedaling for a long time and I thought "it's almost there!!!, something like 20km" and a sign appears that says 40km ahead. Green lake. That!!!! Good to continue enjoying. Finally, before reaching the town I face a stretch of very good gravel and with every desire to get there as quickly as possible.

After 9 p.m. I arrived at CP2, marked the brevet card and we got ready to dry our clothes, take a bath and eat something. We looked for a place to sleep with the group and define what was coming to us. It would be a calm day, the objective would be to reach Puyuhuapi. We got up calmly, enjoyed a delicious breakfast and set out on the way to La Junta, the route was entertaining with very fast sections where my bike felt it, after eating a curve of calamines (a small noise began in the rear wheel and was left with a little game), once in the Junta we passed for food and continued to Puyuhuapi, now the beauty of the place can be seen from the opposite angle which gives the road a whole new experience.

The strategy for the last day was defined, we would leave early to climb Queulat, reach Mañihuales and finally Coyhaique to the long-awaited goal. The weather was ideal, some clouds in the morning, perfect for the 5k climb to Queulat, the climb was fun since with El Potro (Juan Felipe) we challenged ourselves and when we reached the summit, the sky began to clear , the descent was very fast, at this point in the trip the knee was already starting to bother (not even the horse cream on the colt was working), in Amengual we quickly went to get food, the whole route was very fluid, the sky cleared completely and the sun was finally the protagonist. Already in Mañihuales, we ate, we carried water to face the last section of gravel to reach Villa Ortega, the first km was all with headwind, brutal!! That lasted, until we reached the dirt road, when I was beginning to enjoy the route it once again became somewhat rough, an endless straight with a 3% slope that seemed eternal, fatigue did not let me go too far, I had to stopping to regain energy and give my left knee a rest, once again the balm was the landscape, the beauty of the snow-capped mountains, the green meadows welcomed Villa Ortega, adding this to an ideal pavement, without knowing that there were still a few kilometers of dirt with gravel of terror, these last km, in addition to being hard, were very dangerous (due to the vehicles that passed at full speed, and the dust that was raised by their passage). At that moment I see a cyclist on the shore, El Potro who had a puncture and was putting on a camera, I stopped so I could help him and continue towards the finish line. Once this part of gravel was finished and we headed towards Coyhaique it was an explosion of emotion, the objective proposed more than two years ago was about to be fulfilled, a tremendous descent began, finally seeing the city, thinking of all those who were part of this adventure , crossing the Simpson River, seeing the finish line and the entire Academy waiting, even with those who followed us from Santiago day by day was really beautiful, the affection of the community in these 860km was always present.

Across Andes is an incredible experience and everything they told me falls short of the beauty of living a race of this type, where the work of the three crazy people, Rulo, Feña and Juan Felipe gave it a truly unforgettable experience, sharing with them Every end of the day was a return to school days where everything was laughter and enjoyment.

Lastly, thank my Family Michell, Paz and Martín, they are undoubtedly part of this. To the Gravel Academy!!! For everything given during this year, each outing is a learning experience and Tomás for his tremendous generosity in sharing all his experience, knowledge and in making us enjoy every km of gravel.



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